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Saturday, December 3

Home Remedies for Zits

I guess this dilemma wont stop. 


I'm almost tired and depressed too looking at my face covered with tiny but irritating zits. How can I get rid of them.

I made a post regarding this, I guess as long as I'm still getting them, searching for solutions wont end too.

I should try these remedies, who knows.
 Ice: This remedy is excellent for reducing acne, caused by infections or inflamed skin. Apply a few cubes of ice directly on the zit-affected skin for a few minutes, around 3 or 4 times a day. Ice can also prevent the inflammation and zits from spreading to other areas. 

 Aloe Vera: Apply some fresh Aloe Vera gel on to the affected skin at night, and leave it on for a while, before washing it off. Although Aloe Vera gel is available at most health stores, it is best to extract fresh gel from an Aloe leaf and apply it directly on the face. 

 Steam: Hot steam has an excellent effect on the skin and can kill the bacteria present in the pores. In a large and clean pot, boil some fresh water, for around 15 to 20 minutes. Allow the water to cool for about 5 to 10 minutes, before bending your face over the pot. Cover your head with a thick towel, so that the steam is trapped within and does not escape. Allow the steam from the pot to treat the acne for as long as is bearable. Carry on the exercise for at least 5 minutes or preferably more. 

 Yogurt and Oatmeal: Prepare a mixture by adding some plain oatmeal to some unflavored yogurt to make a thick paste. Apply the paste to the affected part of the skin and leave it on to dry. Then, rinse the skin with some cool water and pat it dry. 
And there is also a diet for the prevention of zits.
Given below are some foods that should be strictly avoided in a diet for zits:

 Processed food like bagels, muffins, bread and pasta

 Junk food like burgers, pizzas, French fries and chips

 Fast foods that are high in saturated fats

 Sugar and other sweet foods, like chocolate, cookies, puddings and so on

 Oily and greasy foods like butter, mayonnaise and sandwich spreads

 Alcohol and caffeinated beverages

At the same time, it is believed that healthy and nutritious foods can help reduce the risks of acne formation. Given below are some of the foods that are recommended in a diet for zits:

 Whole wheat and whole grain products like brown rice, multigrain bread and wheat pasta

 Natural sources of protein, such as lean meat, beans, legumes and nuts

 Foods high in Vitamin C and Vitamin A, like citrus fruits, spinach, carrots and broccoli.

 Liquids that flush out the toxins from the body, especially water and fresh fruit or vegetable juice, without any sugar or preservatives.
Suggestions for zits are the following:
 Get an adequate amount of sleep and rest during the day, to maintain hormonal levels 

 Follow an exercise routine, as this increases the flow of blood and oxygen to your skin, keeping it healthier 

 Take a shower after you exercise or engage in any activity that has caused you to perspire

 Wear loose-fitting clothing, made from cool and comfortable fabrics like cotton. Avoid wearing clothes that are too tight 

 Do not wear makeup that is not from a trusted brand and make sure that you remove your makeup before you go to sleep. 


  1. The best remedy for zit that I've tried is drinking apple cider vinegar. My complexion got even better. Try the organic one.

  2. I have pimple breakouts once in a while and it drives me mad. I'm using Eskinol's Pimple Gel. Works okay. And I've read on another blog that acetone do work too, but you need to get your derma's approval before trying it out.


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